Troubleshoot business process integration



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Problem: Receive XA error when setting up Business Process Integrator on Oracle

If you are setting up Business Process Integrator on Oracle, you might receive a XA error.

Solution: Delete the trace.log file. .


Problem: After staff resolution has been changed in the process model and the process been redeployed, no changes can be recognized

This problem can occur when the staff query has not been updated.

Solution: Force an update of the staff resolution by executing the following command:

  refreshStaffQuery.jacl -server server1 -template templatename 

The script is located at was_root/ProcessChoreographer/util.

The following describes the usage of this script in more detail:


wsadmin -f refreshStaffQuery.jacl 
 [ ([-node nodeName] -server serverName) | (-cluster clusterName) ]
 [ -template process template name | -userlist username{,username} ]

The script refreshes staff query entries of a process template after the underlying staff directory has been changed. If no arguments are specified, the staff queries for all processes are refreshed. We can apply changes on the server serverName, on the node nodeName, or on the cluster clusterName.


Problem: The staff resolution is not working

This problem can manifest itself in the My Tasks portlet if the task list is not showing the correct tasks for the user. This problem can occur from one of the following possible causes:

Solution: After checking and correcting these settings, force an update of the staff resolution by executing the following command:

  refreshStaffQuery.jacl -server server1 -template templatename 

The script is located at was_root/ProcessChoreographer/util.


Problem: The LDAP system has been changed and staff resolution is not performed correctly anymore

This problem can occur from one of the following possible causes:

  • Wrong filter settings in WebSphere Application Server.

  • The security settings in the business process need to be updated with the LDAP changes.

  • Wrong verb settings for the staff activity in the business process. This could be the search attribute changed from uid to cn or vice versa.

Solution: After checking and correcting these settings, force an update of the staff resolution by executing the following command:

  refreshStaffQuery.jacl -server server1 -template templatename 

The script is located at was_root/ProcessChoreographer/util.


Problem: The process template is not available

This problem can occur from one of the following possible causes:

  • The process EAR has not been installed correctly.

  • The process EAR has not been started.

Solution: After checking and correcting these settings, force an update of the staff resolution by executing the following command:

  refreshStaffQuery.jacl -server server1 -template templatename 

The script is located at was_root/ProcessChoreographer/util.


Problem: The process cannot be deployed/started

This problem can occur from one of the following possible causes:

  • The process EAR file does not contain the right relational database (RDB) mappings as described under Database support in Enabling the business process for portal.

  • During database creation for the business process container, tables have been created within a different schema as the database user specified in Check the settings in and run the ddl scripts described in Configuring the business process container for portal.

Solution: After checking and correcting these settings, force an update of the staff resolution by executing the following command:

  refreshStaffQuery.jacl -server server1 -template templatename 

The script is located at was_root/ProcessChoreographer/util.


Problem: After the process has been initiated it jumps to the FAILED state

This problem can occur from one of the following possible causes:

  • Wrong security settings in the process EAR.

  • Wrong verb settings or verb JNDI specification for the staff activity in the process model.

Solution: After checking and correcting these settings, force an update of the staff resolution by executing the following command:

  refreshStaffQuery.jacl -server server1 -template templatename 

The script is located at was_root/ProcessChoreographer/util.


Problem: UnexpectedFailureException is thrown during process initialization

This problem can occur from one of the following possible causes:

  • Wrong security settings in the process EAR.

  • Wrong verb settings or verb JNDI specification for the staff activity in the process model.

Solution: After checking and correcting these settings, force an update of the staff resolution by executing the following command:

  refreshStaffQuery.jacl -server server1 -template templatename 

The script is located at was_root/ProcessChoreographer/util.