Change the task page container



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To change the parent page that contains a dynamically created task page instances, follow these steps.

  1. Make sure the new task page container has been assigned a unique name. For this step, use the Custom Unique Names portlet under Portal Settings. For example, container.tasks.

  2. Invoke the following command from the WebSphere Portal /config directory, specifying the unique name of the new container for value.

        WPSconfig.{bat | sh} enable-page-as-extension-node -DPageUniqueName=value   
    Using the example on Linux, you would enter the following command

    ./ enable-page-as-extension-node -DPageUniqueName=container.tasks      

  3. Edit the My Tasks configuration and set the MyTasksPageUniqueName parameter to the unique name of the new task page container. The portlet configuration can be updated using either the configuration link from the portlet menu or from the administrative portlets. See Configuring portlet application or portlet parameters for more information. In this example, you would set MyTasksPageUniqueName to container.tasks.

  4. Invoke the following command specifying the unique name of the previous container for value.

       WPSconfig.{bat | sh} disable-page-as-extension-node -DPageUniqueName=value 
    For example, to disable the My Tasks page as the container for task pages on Windows, enter this command.

       WPSconfig.bat disable-page-as-extension-node -DPageUniqueName=wps.MyTasks 

    When a task page container is disabled, any active task pages for that container are lost.


Parent topic:

Configure the portal for business processes


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