Use search in a cluster


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To support Search Center in a Portal cluster, configure the remote search service on a WAS node that is not part of the cluster.

To enable search in a cluster for content created using Document Manager or the Authoring portlet provided with Web Content Management, configure each machine in the cluster to access a shared directory.

See also: Configure search in a clustered environment.


Configure search in a cluster for content features

If you are creating content in a clustered environment using Document Manager or the Authoring portlet provided with WCM, additional configuration steps are required to enable content created by these content features to be searchable in a cluster. To enable search for content features in a clustered environment, complete the following steps on each machine in the cluster

  1. Edit...


  2. Change the value of...

    jcr.textsearch.indexdirectory a shared directory called jcr/search that can be accessed by all nodes in the cluster. For example:


    The shared directory can be specified in two formats:

    UNC \\\\your_server\\your_share\\jcr\\search
    UNIX-style X:/your_share/jcr/search

    Path formats for the native operating system, such as X:\your_share\jcr\search on a Windows machine, should not be used.


Parent topic:

WebSphere Portal Clusters