Overview: Controlling application flow


In this topic ...

Implementing a Sequential Flow

Implementing a Non-linear Flow

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WebFlow Step Builder" help topic for more information." href="webflow_step.htm">How to Use the WebFlow Step Builder

How to Use the WebFlow Transition Builder

We can control application flow most efficiently by using the WebFlow Step and WebFlow Transition builders, which allow you to consolidate actions, page display, and other functionality for implementing application flow. A step does not necessarily imply that a page is displayed.

The WebFlow Step builder call specifies the actions to perform as part of each step including the display of a page, an initialization action, an "on load" action, and an "on submit" action.

The WebFlow Transition builder call specifies when to load a step by identifying an event or user action that launches a particular step in the process. The WebFlow Transition builder calls also executes methods or actions that perform any post-step or pre-step logic.


Implementing a Sequential Flow

We can implement a sequential flow, including process branches, by using the WebFlow Step builders to incorporate the functionality for each discreet step and (optionally) a WebFlow Transition builder to incorporate any actions, event firing or handling, or other functionality you want to perform in between the execution of the steps in the process.

  1. Add Page/Imported Page builder calls to the model for the pages you want to display.

  2. Add Action List, Method, Method Call, or Linked Java Object for any logic-related functionality such as calling methods in a Java object, assigning values to Variables, etc.

  3. Add a WebFlow Step builder call to the model for each step in the sequence. If a page is associated with a step, add an action control builder call (Button, Link, etc.) to the page to allow the user to go to the next step. The action for that action control should be the appropriate "GoToStepNameStep" or "StepNameStepOnEnter" method available from the Reference Chooser.

  4. For any branches in the process, include a WebFlow Transition builder call to perform any event handling, variable checking, or any other logic to determine the next step in the process.


Implementing a Non-linear Flow

  1. Follow the same steps as for a sequential flow, creating the pages, actions, and methods, you need for each step in the process.

  2. Add the events, actions, methods, and variables that you will use to drive the execution of the different steps in the process.

  3. For each step in the flow, add a WebFlow Transition builder call that identifies the event or action that causes a step (which you specify) to be executed.