Computing a new baseline checksum for an inventory of configured files

After installation, we can verify the actual checksums of installed files against a bill of materials that ships with the product. After configuring your system, create a new checksum so that we can compare the system periodically to the new checksum. Use the result to analyze changes to your configured system.


Before you begin

Install the product at the v6.2 level or later to install the tool.

After configuring the product, save a new baseline checksum to establish a new checksum standard for your system.


About this task

This topic describes using the installver command to create and compare an inventory of configured files to the currently installed files.

The installver tool can compute a new baseline checksum for the inventory of all files in the installation root directory. The tool stores the new checksum by default in the sys.inv file within the current working directory. We can specify a different file path and file name. Create the file outside of the installation root directory or exclude the file from comparisons.

Later, compare the checksums in the sys.inv file (or the file that you specified when creating the inventory) to the checksums of the currently installed files to see what files have changed.

The baseline checksum report identifies missing files, additional files, and changed files.





When you issue an installver commands from the app_server_root/bin directory, the status of the command is displayed on the terminal console. To create a log, use the -log parameter.


What to do next

See the description of the installver command for explanations of each parameter.

Go to Excluding files from a checksum comparison to learn more about the installver command.

Related tasks
Verifying against the bill of materials Excluding files from a checksum comparison Verifying checksums of installed files




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