Example: Migrating - Creating an application server

Creating an application server involves a configuration command. To do this task in the wscp V4.0 tool and the wsadmin V6.x tool, know the hierarchical name of the application server. The following examples demonstrate how to create an application server in WAS V4.0 and V6.x:

  • wscp V4.0

    ApplicationServer create /Node:mynode/ApplicationServer:myserv/ -attribute {{Stdout myfile.out}}

  • wsadmin V6.x

    Server objects are contained within nodes.


    set node [$AdminConfig getid /Node:mynode/]
    $AdminConfig create Server $node {{name myserv} {outputStreamRedirect {{fileName myfile.out}}}}
    $AdminConfig save


    node = AdminConfig.getid('/Node:mynode/')
    AdminConfig.create('Server', node, [['name', 'myserv'], ['outputStreamRedirect',    [['fileName', 'myfile.out']]]])

    where Stdout is the name of the V4.0 ApplicationServer attribute that is replaced by the fileName attribute, and embedded within the outputStreamRedirect attribute of the server.