Log Analyzer

The Log Analyzer takes one or more service or activity logs, merges all of the data, and displays the entries. Based on its symptom database, the tool analyzes and interprets the event or error conditions in the log entries to help you diagnose problems. Log Analyzer has a special feature enabling it to download the latest symptom database from the IBM Web site.

To download the latest updates to the symptom database, use the Log Analyzer interface option...


About the service or activity log

The application server creates the service or activity log file from the activity of the various WAS components. Log Analyzer is used to view the service or activity log file. Log Analyzer can merge service or activity log files into one log file. The service or activity log file, activity.log, is a binary file in the logs directory of the install_root.

We cannot view the service or activity log with a text editor. The Log Analyzer tool lets you view the file.


Viewing a service or activity log file in the absence of a graphical interface

The Log Analyzer tool cannot view remote files. If the operating system on which you are running WebSphere Application Server does not support the use of a graphical interface, transfer the file in binary mode to the system on which you are running the Java administrative console. Use the Log Analyzer tool there.

In cases where transferring the file is impractical or inconvenient, use the alternate viewing tool, showlog, to view the service or activity log file:

  1. Change directory to bin directory of the install_root.

  2. Run the showlog tool with no parameters to display usage instructions:

    • On Windows systems, run showlog.bat.

    • On UNIX systems, run showlog.sh.

To direct the service or activity log (activity.log) contents to stdout, use the showlog activity.log command.

To dump the service or activity log to a text file for viewing with a text editor, use the showlog activity.log textFileName command.


Accessing Log Analyzer help files

We can access Log Analyzer help files on Windows platforms, using the operating system default Internet browser only. We cannot access the help files using an Internet browser other than the default. However, Windows systems do let you select either Netscape or Internet Explorer as the default browser. There is an option to let you select either Netscape or Internet Explorer as the browser to display HTML help files.

Access help files using any Internet browser on UNIX platforms. Use such browsers as Netscape Navigator, by explicitly setting the location of its executable in the tool Preferences dialog. The option that appears to allow you to select either Netscape or Internet Explorer as the browser to display HTML help files is not used on UNIX systems.

To specify the browser on UNIX platforms:

  1. Click File > Preferences in the Log Analyzer tool.

  2. Click Help from the General folder in the Log Analyzer Preferences dialog.

  3. Set the path to the Internet browser executable in the Browser Location field.


Installing Log Analyzer silently

Installing Log Analyzer "silently" prevents installation messages from being displayed, but the file responsefile.txt for silent installation needs more information to install Log Analyzer. To silently install Log Analyzer, add the following option to this file

-P logAnalyzerBean.active="true"

The Performance and Analysis Tools property in the file responsefile.txt needs to be set to true to install the Log Analyzer tool. The property in the responsefile.txt is: -P performanceAndAnalysisToolsBean.active="true".


See also

Using the Log Analyzer


See Also

Viewing the service log