Configure a listener port



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Use this task to browse or change the properties of an existing listener port, used by message-driven beans associated with the port to retrieve messages.

If you have deployed an enterprise application to use EJB 2.0 message-driven beans with listener ports, use this task to browse or change the configuration of a listener port that a message-driven bean retrieves messages from.

To configure the properties of a listener port, use the administrative console to complete the following steps:



  1. Display the collection list of listener ports...

    Servers | Application Servers application server | Messaging | Message Listener Service | Listener Ports

  2. Click the name of the listener port that you want to work with. This displays the properties of the listener port in the content pane.

  3. Change properties for the listener port, according to your needs.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Save any changes to the master configuration.

  6. To have a changed configuration take effect, stop then restart the application server.


Related Tasks

Create a new listener port
Start a listener port
Stop a listener port

Related reference

Listener port settings