C language invocation


The queue manager logically defines the following variables:

        MQAXP           ExitParms;      /* Exit parameter structure */
        MQAXC           ExitContext;    /* Exit context structure */
        MQHCONN         Hconn;          /* Connection handle */
        MQHOBJ          Hobj;           /* Object handle */
        PMQMD           pMsgDesc;       /* Ptr to message descriptor */
        PMQPMO          pGetMsgOpts;    /* Ptr to get message options */
        MQLONG          BufferLength;   /* Message buffer length */
        PMQBYTE         pBuffer;        /* Ptr to message buffer */
        PMQLONG         pDataLength;    /* Ptr to data length field */
        MQLONG          CompCode;       /* Completion code */
        MQLONG          Reason;         /* Reason code */
The queue manager then logically calls the exit as follows:
MQ_GET_EXIT (&ExitParms, &ExitContext, &Hconn, &Hobj, &pMsgDesc,
             &pGetMsgOpts, &BufferLength, &pBuffer, &pDataLength,
             &CompCode, &Reason)
Your exit must match the following C function prototype:
PMQAXP          pExitParms,     /* Address of exit parameter structure */
PMQAXC          pExitContext,   /* Address of exit context structure */
PMQHCONN        pHconn,         /* Address of connection handle */
PMQHOBJ         pHobj,          /* Address of object handle */
PPMQMD          ppMsgDesc,      /* Address of ptr to message descriptor */
PPMQGMO         ppGetMsgOpts,   /* Address of ptr to get message options */
PMQLONG         pBufferLength,  /* Address of message buffer length */
PPMQBYTE        ppBuffer,       /* Address of ptr to message buffer */
PPMQLONG        ppDataLength,   /* Address of ptr to data length field */
PMQLONG         pCompCode,      /* Address of completion code */
PMQLONG         pReason);       /* Address of reason code qualifying
                                   completion code */


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