

Starting a channel


Listeners are valid for TCP only. For SNA listeners, configure your communications subsystem.

For applications to be able to exchange messages start a listener program for inbound connections using the STRMQMLSR command.

For outbound connections start the channel in one of the following ways:

  1. Use the CL command STRMQMCHL, specifying the channel name, to start the channel as a process or a thread, depending on the MCATYPE parameter. (If channels are started as threads, they are threads of a channel initiator.)

  2. Use a channel initiator to trigger the channel. One channel initiator is started automatically when the queue manager is started. This can be eliminated by changing the chinit stanza in the qm.ini file for that queue manager.

  3. Use the WRKMQMCHL command to begin the Work with Channels panel and choose option 14 to start a channel.


Parent topic:

Monitoring and controlling channels on iSeries


