

Attributes Summary

virtualHostName Specifies the name of a virtual host defined in the platform's environment.
webapp A reference to the root WebApp element in this web application's deployment descriptor.
resRefBindings JNDI name bindings for resource refs declared in the web application module's deployment descriptor
ejbRefBindings JNDI name bindings for ejb refs declared in the web application module's deployment descriptor.
resourceEnvRefBindings JNDI name bindings for resource env refs declared in the web application module's deployment descriptor


Attribute Details


Specifies the name of a virtual host defined in the platform's environment. If unspecified, the default virtual host for the server is used.

Data type:   String
Default value:   unspecified


A reference to the root WebApp element in this web application's deployment descriptor. WebSphere uses pre-defined id's to identify the root elements of the deployment descriptors.

Data type:  WebApp


JNDI name bindings for resource refs declared in the web application module's deployment descriptor

Data type:  ResourceRefBinding


JNDI name bindings for ejb refs declared in the web application module's deployment descriptor.

Data type:  EjbRefBinding


JNDI name bindings for resource env refs declared in the web application module's deployment descriptor

Data type:  ResourceEnvRefBinding




















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