J2EE client request hangs and cannot be recovered


J2EE client request hangs and cannot recover when the requested resource is disconnected

When a J2EE client requests a web resource from a cluster, if the member on which the requested resource resides is disconnected, the client application may hang. The application cannot be recovered within the WLM environment.

To correct the problem, launch the J2EE client with the following parameters


For example, for Linux, use the following command

/opt/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/launchClient.sh RetireServiceAppDB2.ear  
-CCBootstrapHost=wasdev16 -CCBootstrapPort=9813 -CCDcom.ibm.CORBA.RequestTimeout=10  
-CCDcom.ibm.websphere.wlm.Unusable.Interval=180 doauto -loop=30

For current information available from IBM Support on known problems and their resolution, see IBM Support page.

IBM Support has documents that can save you time gathering information needed to resolve this problem. Before opening a PMR, see IBM Support page.