# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM, 5724-E76, (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004 - All Rights reserved.

# ---------------------------------- #
# Properties of the Registry Service #
# ---------------------------------- #

# Default interval for refreshing a bucket [in seconds]
# Default: 1800 (= 30 minutes)

default.interval = 1800

# Names of the defined buckets
# e.g bucket.names = foo,bar -> foo is the name of the first bucket and bar is the name of the second bucket

#bucket.names = theme,skin,component,client,markup,servlet,webmodule,portlet,application,pcostatus,pcocategories,pcocontentformat,transformation,transformationapplication

# For non-PCO, installer will uncomment this following line and delete the above line
bucket.names = theme,skin,client,markup,servlet,webmodule,portlet,application,transformation,transformationapplication

# Properties of each bucket specified above
# e.g bucket.foo.interval
# following entries are mandatory
# bucket.foo.class
# additional entries
# bucket.foo.interval -> if not available default will be chosen (time in seconds)
# bucket.foo.reload   -> default is true. If false interval will be ignored
# bucket.foo.sorted   -> default is false. Use this if the content from the descriptor is sorted
#                        REMARK the current implementation of a sorted bucket does not provide partial reload

#Application Bucket
bucket.application.class    = com.ibm.wps.datastore.ApplicationDescriptorHome
bucket.application.interval = 600

#Portlet Bucket
bucket.portlet.class    = com.ibm.wps.datastore.PortletDescriptorHome
bucket.portlet.interval = 600

#WebModule Bucket
bucket.webmodule.class    = com.ibm.wps.datastore.WebModuleDescriptorHome
bucket.webmodule.interval = 600

#Servlet Bucket
bucket.servlet.class    = com.ibm.wps.datastore.ServletDescriptorHome
bucket.servlet.interval = 600

#Theme Bucket
bucket.theme.class    = com.ibm.wps.datastore.ThemeDescriptorHome
bucket.theme.interval = 600

#Skin Bucket
bucket.skin.class     = com.ibm.wps.datastore.SkinDescriptorHome
bucket.skin.interval  = 600

#Client Bucket
bucket.client.class    = com.ibm.wps.datastore.ClientDescriptorHome
bucket.client.interval = 20000
bucket.client.sorted   = true

#Markup Bucket
bucket.markup.class    = com.ibm.wps.datastore.MarkupDescriptorHome
bucket.markup.interval = 1200

#Transformation Application Bucket
bucket.transformationapplication.class    = com.ibm.wps.datastore.TransformationApplicationDescriptorHome
bucket.trabsformationapplication.interval = 600

#Transformation Bucket
bucket.transformation.class    = com.ibm.wps.datastore.TransformationDescriptorHome
bucket.transformation.interval = 600


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