# The jndi name for the repository which the rules engine will use.
# (optional)
#rulesRepository.jndiName=<none specified>

# The workspace name for rules engine.
# (optional)
#rulesRepository.workspace=<none specified>

# Specifies a class which is called following processing of the
# rule but prior to returning the results.
#rulesEngine.defaultRuleExit=<none specified>

# Runtime exception handling method
# Options include:
#       ignore
#   Exceptions are ignored.  Not supported in production environments.
#   Ignoring exceptions will give no diagnostic information in case of error.
#       logMessage_stdout
#       logMessage_stderr
#       logMessage_stdout_rethrow
#       logMessage_stderr_rethrow
#       logStackTrace_stdout
#       logStackTrace_stderr
#       logStackTrace_stdout_rethrow
#       logStackTrace_stderr_rethrow
#       logMessageAndStackTrace_stdout
#       logMessageAndStackTrace_stderr
#       logMessageAndStackTrace_stdout_rethrow
#       logMessageAndStackTrace_stderr_rethrow
#       rethrow_exception

# Runtime role user
#rulesEngine.userName=<none specified>
#rulesEngine.password=<none specified>

# Cache control settings
#    cache.enabled
# Globally specifies whether cache is enabled or disabled.
#    cache.jndiName
# Globally specifies a cache to use.
#    cache.maxEnumSize
# Globally specifies the maximum number of entries in each
# cached enumeration.  Enumerations which exceed this number
# will not be cached.
# Optionally, the above parameters may be configured for each
# resource collection.
#    cache.timeout
# Globally specifies the cache timeout.
#    cache.priority
# Globally specifies the cache priority.

# Caching is disabled for the default Portal Document Resource Collection
# (/.personalization/collections/ibmpzn:dmDocumentCollection)

# Task configuration for rule events
#   interval
# Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) between checking
# the repository for updates to rule events

# Configuration for Session for e-mail rules
#   jndiName
# Specifies a jndi lookup name for the Mail Session.
# Configure your session using the WebSphere Application
# Server administrative console 

# Optional configuration for the port of the content
# server which serves the body of the e-mail messages.


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