# Properties file to hold configurable items for Feedback and analytics

# Enable / Disable logging
# Set to true to enable logging capabilities.

loggingEnabled = false

# Feedback database schema name
# Specifies the name of the feedback schema in the database.  
# Normally this will be FEEDBACK by default.  
# For iSeries installations this must be set to the name of the database library
# that contains the feedback tables (i.e.: QWPS50)


# Feedback database platform (z/OS only).
# This must be set to "390" for DB2 on z/OS, but is unnecessary for all other platforms.  

# Custom log listeners
# If using custom log listeners, specify them here.  
# Specify classnames for custom listeners delimited by the ';' character.
# These classes must be in the server classpath.
#logListeners = LogListenerClassName1;LogListenerClassName2

# Feedback performance tuning parameters
# Refer to the InfoCenter for documentation

logBufferSize = 5000
logWarningLevel = 75 
requestFlushInterval = 10000
inactiveListenerInterval = 120000

# WebSphere Application Server Workmanager JNDI name
# Specifies the name of the WebSphere Workmanager to use for asynchronous operations

workManager = wm/default

# Reporting server settings for the Reports Portlet if installed
# Reporting web application location (including context root)
# Defaults to the location of the Reports Portlet if installed
#reportServer = localhost:9081/wps/feedback

# Specify whether the reporting server uses SSL
# Only applicable if reportServer has been explicitly set
# Defaults to false
#reportSSL = 0


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