Common Fields - Security

This section is used to determine the default user access to this item, and view the item's Effective security. (Effective security is the combined security of System Defined, User Defined and Workflow Defined.)

Live Allows a User or Group to
  • view an item in the rendered web site.
Read Allows a User or Group to:

  • view an item in a IWWCM environment.
  • view an item in the rendered web site.
Edit Allows a User or Group to:

  • edit an item.
  • view an item in a IWWCM environment.
  • view an item in the rendered web site.
Delete Allows a User or Group to:

  • delete an item.
  • edit an item.
  • view an item in a IWWCM environment.
  • view an item in the rendered web site.
Approve This is displayed under Workflow only. Approve access allows a User or Group to:


Security Sections

To grant Users or Groups access to an item:

  1. Click...

    Grant Access | Add | Users


    Grant Access | Add | Groups

  2. Enter text to search for in the Search field. Then click Search. (Leave the Search field blank to display all Users or Groups.)

  3. Select the required Users or Groups.

  4. Click OK.

Effective Displays the combined access levels of the three Security types listed below.
User Defined User defined access can be set in items not participating in a workflow.

A User only has access to edit User-defined access up to the same level as the User-defined access they have for that item. E.g., A User with Read Access can edit the User Defined security for Live and Read access, but not for Edit or Delete access.

Workflow Security If an item is participating in a Workflow, Workflow security settings are displayed instead of User-Defined. These are the security settings set in the Properties section of a Workflow Stage form.
System Defined Displays access levels set by Administrators.

The access that is set in Security section does not overrule access rights set in a Workflow Stage. This means that if a User has only Read access to an item, but Edit/Read access in a Workflow Stage, they will be able to edit the item during that Workflow Stage.

As a rule, the minimum level of security should be set at the item level. Additional access can then be granted within different Workflow Stages.

Parent topic: Syndicator Form.

Parent topic: Subscriber Form.

Parent topic: Document Manager Component Form.

Parent topic: Personalization Component Form.

Parent topic: Federated Content Component Form.

Parent topic: JSP Component Form.

IBM Workplace Web Content Management - V5.1.0.1 -


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