<%@ page session="false" buffer="none" %>

  By default, automatic reloading of theme and skin JSP files is turned off.

  To see the changes you make to this file without stopping and restarting
  the server, follow the instructions for enabling automatic JSP reloading
  in the InfoCenter.
  Do not enable automatic JSP reloading in a production environment
  because performance will decrease.


    Must be Transitional DTD or Mozilla/Netscape 6 will not correctly 
    display tables used for visual layout. 

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portal.tld" prefix="wps" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portal-internal.tld" prefix="wps-internal" %>

<%-- Include Extend/Express specific tag libraries. --%>

<%@ include file="./extension/TagLibInclude.jsp" %>   



  <%@ include file="./Head.jsp" %>

      Set margins to 0 here in addition to stylesheet 
      to support old versions of Netscape 

  <body marginwidth="0" 
        onLoad="if ( document.forms['wpsPageGroupSelectionForm'] != null ) document.forms['wpsPageGroupSelectionForm'].reset();">

    <%-- Include Extend/Express specific page logic. --%>

    <%@ include file="./extension/PageBeginInclude.jsp" %>   

        This table is here so the banner is the same width as the portlets 

    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="100%">


        <%-- logo --%>

        <td valign="top" align="<%=bidiAlignLeft%>" nowrap>

          <img align="absmiddle" 
               alt='<wps:text key="title" bundle="nls.engine">Portal Title</wps:text>' 
               title='<wps:text key="title" bundle="nls.engine"/>' 
               src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="logo.gif"/>'>

          <a href="#wpsMainContent">
              <img width="1" 
                   src='<%= wpsBaseURL %>/images/dot.gif' 
                   alt='<wps:text key="link.skiptocontent" bundle="nls.engine"/>' 
                   title='<wps:text key="link.skiptocontent" bundle="nls.engine"/>'>

        <td width="100%" height="1" valign="top" align="<%=bidiAlignRight%>">

              Toolbar - My Portal, Administration, Logout, etc... 

          <%@ include file="./ToolBarInclude.jsp" %>

              Admin link bar - New Page, Edit Page, Assign Permissions
              Don't show these links in solo state 

          <wps:if portletSolo="no">
            <%@ include file="./AdminLinkBarInclude.jsp" %>


        <td colspan="2">

              Show navigation bars for first two levels of page navigation
              Don't show navigation in solo state 

          <wps:if portletSolo="no">
            <%@ include file="./PlaceBarInclude.jsp" %>
            <%@ include file="./PageBarInclude.jsp" %>



        <td colspan="2" height="100%" valign="top">
          <table width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">



                    Show the hierarchical navigation for the 
                    remaining levels of pages 

                <wps:if portletSolo="no">
                  <%@ include file="./NavigationTreeInclude.jsp" %>


              <td width="100%" height="100%" valign="top">

                <a name="wpsMainContent"></a>

                    Call the WPS engine command to render the portlets for this page 


    <%-- Include page end markup.  This includes Extend/Express specific page logic. --%>
    <%@ include file="./extension/PageEndInclude.jsp" %>

