DynaCache MBean

Current settings for the running WebSphere Dynamic Cache (DynaCache).


Attribute Summary

java.lang.Integer cacheSize
           The size in entries of the in-memory cache
java.lang.Integer usedCacheSize
           The number of used cache entries in the in-memory cache
java.lang.Boolean diskOverflow
           Indicates whether disk based overflow is enabled
com.ibm.websphere.management.statistics.Stats stats


Attribute Detail


public java.lang.Integer cacheSize
The size in entries of the in-memory cache


public java.lang.Integer usedCacheSize
The number of used cache entries in the in-memory cache


public java.lang.Boolean diskOverflow
Indicates whether disk based overflow is enabled


public com.ibm.websphere.management.statistics.Stats stats

Copyright IBM Corp. 1996-2003


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