createmq command

Use the createmq command to create a queue manager and messaging broker for embedded messaging.

On Application Server, the createmq command line tool ( or createmq.bat, in the $WAS_HOME\bin directory) creates the queue manager and messaging broker for use by the specified application server.

Note that


createmq command syntax

The command syntax is as follows

createmq was_home cell_name node_name server_name messaging_dir broker_dir


was_home The $WAS_HOME directory, where WAS is installed.

cell_name The name of the cell within which the queue manager is to exist.

node_name The name of the node agent that the queue manager is to run with.

server_name The name of the server that is to use the queue manager.

On Application Server, this is the name of an appserver.

messaging_dir The directory where embedded messaging is installed; for example, on Windows C:\WebSphere\WebSphere MQ

broker_dir The directory where the embedded messaging broker (WEMPS) is installed; for example, on Windows C:\WebSphere\WebSphere MQ\WEMPS

You can see details of the Queue Manager creation in the file $WAS_HOME\logs\createMQ.node_name.server_name.log.

Example For Application Server on Windows

createmq "C:\WebSphere\AppServer" BG4IPL BG4IPL server "C:\WebSphere\WebSphere MQ" "C:\WebSphere\WebSphere MQ\WEMPS"

The results of this command would be output to the file C:\WebSphere\AppServer\log\createMQ.BG4IPL_server.log


See Also

Manage using command line tools
deletemq command