Interface UserProfileExtender

public interface UserProfileExtender

For adding new columns by extending datawrapper should implement this interface. For Example, for adding two columns "cellPhone" and "bankAccount" code will be:

            public class UserProfileExtendedSample extends 
                UserProfileExtender {
                String cellPhone;
                String bankAccount; 

                public String[] getNewColumns(){
                    //return field names you want to add to base userprofile
                    //Manager class will retrospect the specified fields 
                    //in this class and maps to equivalent JDBC types.
                    String str = {"cellPhone","bankAccount"};
                     return str

               public String getCellPhone() {
                  // Need to call this method in base class to
                  // get the things from persistence store.

              public  void setCellPhone(String value) {
                  cellPhone = value;

                  //Call this method in base class to store the
                  //things in persistence store
                  setByType("cellPhone", value); 

            //Similarly for other field

Method Summary
 java.lang.String[] getNewColumns()
          For adding new columns by extending Userprofile, need to implement this method.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String[] getNewColumns()
For adding new columns by extending Userprofile, need to implement this method. This method should return field names user wants to add to base userprofile implementation.
In addtion to implementing this method, any class extending should call the following methods in within the getters and setters of the columns that are added:
public void setByType(String name, Object value);
public Object getByType(String name);

db2 mapping of fields used is as follows:
java.lang.String - VARCHAR(64)
boolean - SMALLINT
short - SMALLINT
long - VARCHAR(22)
float - FLOAT
double - DOUBLE
char - CHAR(1)
java.lang.Boolean - SMALLINT
java.lang.Short - SMALLINT
java.lang.Integer - INTEGER
java.lang.Long - VARCHAR(22)
java.lang.Float - FLOAT
java.lang.Double - DOUBLE
java.lang.Character - CHAR(1)
java.lang.Byte - SMALLINT
java.lang.BigDecimal - NUMERIC
java.sql.Date - DATE
java.sql.Time - TIME
java.sql.Timestamp - TIMESTAMP
Others - BLOB(64k)

Array of fields names to add to base userprofile fields.


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