[V5.1.1 and later]Setting Custom JVM properties to enable passing ARM correlators to DB2

Once you enable ARM, you can set the following JVM custom property to enable passing ARM correlators to DB2.

To enable passing ARM correlators to DB2, the property is:


The value can be: true or false. When it is true, ARM correlators are passed to DB2. When it is not set or set to false, this feature is disabled.

Steps for this task

  1. Connect to the administrative console and navigate to the Java Virtual Machine Custom Properties panel. For example, Servers > Application Servers >server1 > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine > Custom Properties

  2. If the com.ibm.websphere.pmi.reqmetrics.PassCorrelatorToDB property is not present in the list, create a new property name.

  3. Enter the name and value.

Note: Request metrics does not provide instrumentation in DB2. Check with your ARM providers to see if they have ARM instrumentation in DB2.