[V5.1.1 and later]Setting Custom JVM properties to choose an ARM agent

Once you enable ARM, you need to set the proper JVM custom properties for the type of ARM agent and the ARM transaction factory.

For the type of ARM agent, the property is:


The value can be: ARM4, eWLM, or Tivoli.

Steps for this task

  1. Connect to the administrative console and navigate to the Java Virtual Machine Custom Properties panel. For example, Servers > Application Servers >server1 > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine > Custom Properties

  2. If the com.ibm.websphere.pmi.reqmetrics.ARMIMPL property is not present in the list, create a new property name.

  3. Enter the name and value.

For the ARM transaction factory, the property is:


The value should be the ArmTransactionFactory implementation class name (need to start from the package name).

Steps for this task

  1. Connect to the administrative console and navigate to the Java Virtual Machine Custom Properties panel. For example, Servers > Application Servers >server1 > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine > Custom Properties

  2. If the ArmTransactionFactory property is not present in the list, create a new property name.

  3. Enter the name and value.

Note: You must restart the appserver in order for this change to take effect. In a Network Deployment installation, also set the property for the deployment manager. If you do not set it in deployment manager, you may see two problems:

  1. The plugin configuration regeneration cannot set the correct loggingEnable value in the plugin configuration file.

  2. Future releases may not be able to pick up the property.

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Using the JVM