RunAs roles to users mapping

Use this page to map RunAs roles to users. You can change the RunAs settings after an application deploys.

To view this administrative console page, click Applications > Install New Application. While running the application installation wizard, prompts appear to help you map RunAs roles to users. You can change the RunAs roles to users mappings for deployed applications. Click Applications > application_name > Map RunAs roles to users in the Additional Properties section.

The enterprise beans you are installing contain predefined RunAs roles. RunAs roles are used by enterprise beans that need to run as a particular role for recognition while interacting with another enterprise bean.

User name

Specifies a user name for the RunAs role user.

This user already maps to the role specified in the Mapping users and groups to roles panel. You can map the user to its appropriate role by either mapping the user to that role directly or mapping a group that contains the user to that role.

Data type: String


Specifies the password for the RunAs user.

Data type: String

Related reference
Administrative console buttons
Administrative console filter settings
Administrative console page features
Administrative console preference settings
Administrative console scope settings