Memory-to-memory sessions settings

Use this page to configure memory-to-memory sessions.

To view the Memory-to-memory Sessions page, click Servers > Application Servers > server > Web Container > Session Management > Distributed Environment Settings > Memory to Memory Replication.


Configuration tab


Use one of these options to select the replicator for the session management facility to use for memory-to-memory replication.

Select replicator from the following domain

Specifies a replicator from a replication domain.

Click this option, and select a domain. Then click Apply to show all the replicators in that domain. Select the replicator in that domain.

Select replicator from another domain

Specifies a replicator in another domain that is not managed by this cell.

Click this option, and then type the IP address and the port number of the replicator.

Listen to partition groups

Specifies partitions on which the session management facility listens when running in Server mode for memory-to-memory session replication. The number of partitions is defined in the Manage Internal Replication pages. For Server mode and Both mode, the default is all partitions.

Runtime mode

Select the mode in which this server has to run: Both, Client and Server. The mode implies whether data is only sent (client), only received (server), or both. The default is both.

Related reference
Administrative console buttons
Administrative console page features
Administrative console preference settings