Use the Java provider

Using the WSIF Java provider, WSIF can invoke Java code.



This means that, in a thin-client environment such as a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) or Tomcat test run-time, you can define shortcuts to local Java programs.

The Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) Java provider is not intended for use in a J2EE environment. There is a difference between a client using the WSIF Java provider to invoke a Java component, and implementing a Web service as a Java component on the server side.

The Java binding exploits the format binding for type mapping. Using the format binding, your WSDL can define the mapping between XML schema types and Java types.

The Java provider requires that the targeted Java classes reside in the class path of the client. The Java method is invoked synchronously, in-process, in-thread, with the current thread and Object Request Broker (ORB) contexts.

The Java provider is not transactional.


What to do next

For examples of the code changes that need to be made in the WSDL file, see The Java provider - Writing the WSDL extension.

Related tasks
Using the WSIF providers
Using the SOAP provider
Using the JMS providers
Using the EJB provider