Modify the default Web container configuration



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The Web container is created initially with default properties values suitable for simple Web applications. However, these values might not be appropriate for more complex Web applications.

Your application is considered complex if it requires any of the following features:

Modify the following properties if you have a complex application:


Steps for this task

  1. If your Web application requires a virtual host, other than the default_host, or requires servlet caching, modify the Web container General Properties.

  2. If your application handles special client request loads, modify the Web Container...

    Additional Properties | Thread Pool

  3. If your application requires persistent HTTP session support, modify the Web Container...

    Additional Properties | Session Management

  4. If your application requires one of the following HTTP transport settings...

    • Unique hostname and port for client access
    • SSL enablement

    ...modify the Web Container...

    Additional Properties | HTTP transports

  5. If your application requires global settings for internal servlets for WAR files packaged by third-party tools, modify the Web Container Additional Properties > Custom Properties setting.

  6. If your application uses transaction class mappings to classify workload, modify the Web Container...

    Additional Properties | Advanced Settings

Related concepts
Web container
Class loaders
Related reference
Web container settings
Web module deployment settings
Web applications: Resources for learning