Add and removing Performance Monitoring Infrastructure Request Metrics filters



To add or remove Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) Request Metrics filters:

  1. Open the administrative console.

  2. Click Problem Determination > PMI Request Metrics in the console navigation tree.

  3. Click filters.

  4. Choose a filter type.

    1. Click on filterValues.

    2. You can edit, add, and delete a filter value. To edit, click on a filter value and change its value and enablement. To add, click on "New" and type in the value and optionally check the "Enable" box. To delete, select a filter value and click on "Delete".

  5. Click Apply or OK.

  6. Click Save.Individual filters are composed of an indicator and an IP address. Use the indicator to determine whether the individual filter is active. The IP address is in the IPv4 addressing format.


What to do next

To ensure that the Web server plug-in recognizes the changes you made for the Request Metrics configuration, follow the steps in Regenerating the Web server plug-in configuration file, if logging time spent in the Web server.

Related tasks
Configuring Request Metrics