Manage nodes

A node is a grouping of managed servers. To view information about and manage nodes, use the Nodes page. To access the Nodes page, click System Administration > Nodes in the console navigation tree.


  1. Add a node.

    1. Ensure that an appserver is running on the remote host for the node that you are adding.

      Also ensure that the appserver has a SOAP connector on the port for the host. This port number is defined in the file. It can also be determined by looking in the SystemOut.log file or the Log Analyzer for the server. The line...

      ADMC0013I: SOAP connector available at port nnnn
      ...indicates the SOAP connector port.

      Run netstat -a to see which ports are currently bound on the server.

      # netstat -a | grep 8880
      tcp    0    0 *:8880     *:*      LISTEN

    2. Go to the Nodes page and click Add Node.

      On the Add Node page, specify a host name and SOAP connector port for the deployment manager, then click OK.

    The node is added to the WebSphere Application Server environment and the name of the node appears in the collection on the Nodes page.

    If you get the following error...

    The add node operation failed because the deployment manager could not connect to the remote server. Check the host name and port values and make sure the server is running. might be because a username has not been set for the secure admin client. Check the logs to verify, and if so, specify the username either in the sas.client.props file. Edit the or properties to contain these administrative IDs, then run stopServer and startServer.

    If adding a username/password to sas.client.props does not work, then turn off global security, and then try creating the node.

  2. (Optional)  

    If the discovery protocol that a node uses is not appropriate for the node, select the appropriate protocol. On the Nodes page, click on the node to access the settings for the node. Select a value for Discovery Protocol. By default, a node uses Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). You will likely not need to change a node's protocol configuration from TCP. However, if you do need to change the discovery protocol value, here are some guidelines:

    • For a managed process, use multicast. A ManagedProcess supports multicast only because multicasting allows all appservers in one node to listen to one port instead of to one port for each server. A benefit of using multicast is that you do not have to configure the discovery port for each application server or prevent conflicts in ports. A drawback of using multicast is that ensure that your machine is connected to the network when application servers (not including the node agent) launch because a multicast address is shared by the network and not by the local machine. If your machine is not connected to the network when application servers launch, the multicast address will not be shared with the application servers.

    • For a node agent or deplyment manager, use TCP or UDP. Do not use multicast.

  3. (Optional)  

    Define a custom property for a node.

    1. On the Nodes page, click on the node for which you want to define a custom property.

    2. On the settings for the node, click Custom Properties.

    3. On the Property collection page, click New.

    4. On the settings page for a property instance, specify a name-value pair and a description for the property, then click OK.

  4. If you added a node or changed a node's configuration, synchronize the node's configuration. On the Node Agents page, ensure that the node agent for the node is running. Then, on the Nodes page, put a checkmark in the check box beside the node whose configuration files you want to synchronize and click Synchronize or Full Resynchronize.

    Clicking either button sends a request to the node agent for that node to perform a configuration synchronization immediately, instead of waiting for the periodic synchronization to occur. This is important if automatic configuration synchronization is disabled, or if the synchronization interval is set to a long time, and a configuration change has been made to the cell repository that needs to be replicated to that node. Set for automatic synchronization are on the File Synchronization Service page.

    Synchronize requests that a node synchronization operation be performed using the normal synchronization optimization algorithm. This operation is fast but might not fix problems from manual file edits that occur on the node. So it is still possible for the node and cell configuration to be out of synchronization after this operation is performed.

    Full Resynchronize clears all synchronization optimization settings and performs configuration synchronization anew, so there will be no mismatch between node and cell configuration after this operation is performed. This operation can take longer than the Synchronize operation.

  5. (Optional)  

    Stop servers on a node. On the Nodes page, put a checkmark in the check box beside the node whose servers you want to stop running and click Stop.

  6. (Optional)  

    Remove a node. On the Nodes page, put a checkmark in the check box beside the node you want to delete and click Remove Node.

Node collection


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