JMS provider settings

If you want to use a JMS provider other than the embedded WebSphere JMS provider or the MQ JMS provider, use this panel to configure properties of the JMS provider.

Resources-> Generic JMS Providers-> provider_name



The name by which the JMS provider is known for administrative purposes.

Data type String
Default Null



A description of the MQ JMS provider, for administrative purposes

Data type String
Default MQ JMS provider



The Java classpath for the JMS provider.

Data type String


Native Library Path

The native library path for the JMS provider.

Data type String

You must set the Native Library Path property to the library directory where the MQ Java feature is installed; for example: c:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib


External initial context factory

The Java classname of the initial context factory for the JMS provider.

For example, for an LDAP service provider the value has the form: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory .

Data type String
Default Null


External provider URL

The JMS provider URL for external JNDI lookups.

For example, an LDAP URL for a JMS provider has the form: ldap:// .

Data type String
Default Null

Installing and configuring a JMS provider


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