Install IBM WebSphere MQ 5.3 for Linux





This document contains a procedure for downloading, installing, and testing MQ 5.3 for Linux.



  1. Verify there is at least 160 MB of temporary space

  2. Server, client, and sample files will occupy approximately 50 MB of space in /opt/mqm.

  3. Message queue log and error messages are written to /var/mqm. Note that /var/mqm can fill to 100% on occassions of log files grow too large, so be sure to monitor available space.

  4. Create groups mqm and mqbrkrs.

    # groupadd mqm
    # groupadd mqbrkrs

  5. Create user mqm. Make the home directory /var/mqm.

    # useradd -c"MQ Messaging" -d/var/mqm -g 501 -G mqbrkrs mqm
    # passwd mqm
    Changing password for user mqm.
    New password:
    Retype new password:
    passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

  6. Add the root user to both the mqm and mqbrkrs groups by editing /etc/group.


  7. Log off and then log back on to instantiate new settings.

  8. Download install binaries

  9. Untar with: tar xvf filename.tar

  10. Peruse the readme file

  11. Configure the license:

    # ./

  12. Load the server RPMs

    # rpm -U MQSeriesRuntime-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm
    # rpm -U MQSeriesSDK-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm
    # rpm -U MQSeriesServer-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm

    Load the client, sample, and man page RPMs

    # rpm -U MQSeriesClient-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm
    # rpm -U MQSeriesSamples-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm
    # rpm -U MQSeriesMan-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm

    MQ sample programs are installed into /opt/mqm/samp/bin. The C and CPP source for the samples are installed in /opt/mqm/samp.

  13. The mqm password may have been changed during the install. To reset, run:

    # passwd mqm

  14. Log off as root and log in as user mqm.

  15. Create a queue manager

    crtmqm -q QMNAME

  16. Start the queue manager:

    strmqm QMNAME

  17. Create a WebSphere MQ command file, yourfile.mqs, that will create a local queue TESTQ with a max depth of 10 messages; create an alias to TESTQ named TESTQ_ALIAS; create a local queue named TESTQ2 that has the same attributes as TESTQ.

    def ql(TESTQ) maxdepth(10)
    def qalias(TESTQ_ALIAS) targq(TESTQ)
    def ql(TESTQ2) like(TESTQ)

    Note that if you create a mixed-case queue name, i.e., TestQ, when executing commands against that queue, place the queue name in single quotes. For example:

    def ql('TestQ') maxdepth(10)
    def qalias('TestQ_Alias') targq('TESTQ')
    def ql('TestQ2') like('TestQ')

  18. Execute the MQ command file:

    $ runmqsc < yourfile.mqs
    Starting MQSC for queue manager .
         1 : def ql(TESTQ) maxdepth(10)
    AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.
         2 : def qalias(TESTQ_ALIAS) targq(TESTQ)
    AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.
         3 : def ql(TESTQ2) like(TESTQ)
    AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.
    3 MQSC commands read.
    No commands have a syntax error.
    All valid MQSC commands were processed.

  19. Start the WebSphere MQ command application runmqsc to process WebSphere MQ commands entered as standard input. Display all of the attributes of TESTQ:

    $ runmqsc
    Starting MQSC for queue manager .
    dis q(TESTQ)
         1 : dis q(TESTQ)
    AMQ8409: Display Queue details.
       DESCR(WebSphere MQ Default Local Queue)
       PROCESS( )                              BOQNAME( )
       INITQ( )                                TRIGDATA( )
       CLUSTER( )                              CLUSNL( )
       QUEUE(TESTQ)                               CRDATE(2003-04-09)
       CRTIME(11.57.35)                        ALTDATE(2003-04-09)
       ALTTIME(11.57.35)                       GET(ENABLED)
       PUT(ENABLED)                            DEFPRTY(0)
       DEFPSIST(NO)                            MAXDEPTH(10)
       MAXMSGL(4194304)                        BOTHRESH(0)
       SHARE                                   DEFSOPT(SHARED)
       HARDENBO                                MSGDLVSQ(PRIORITY)
       RETINTVL(999999999)                     USAGE(NORMAL)
       NOTRIGGER                               TRIGTYPE(FIRST)
       TRIGDPTH(1)                             TRIGMPRI(0)
       QDEPTHHI(80)                            QDEPTHLO(20)
       QDPMAXEV(ENABLED)                       QDPHIEV(DISABLED)
       QDPLOEV(DISABLED)                       QSVCINT(999999999)
       QSVCIEV(NONE)                           DISTL(NO)
       DEFTYPE(PREDEFINED)                     TYPE(QLOCAL)
       SCOPE(QMGR)                             DEFBIND(OPEN)
       IPPROCS(0)                              OPPROCS(0)

  20. Display all of the queues in the queue manager:

    dis q(*)
         2 : dis q(*)
    AMQ8409: Display Queue details.
       QUEUE(TESTQ_ALIAS)                              TYPE(QALIAS)
    AMQ8409: Display Queue details.
       QUEUE(TESTQ)                               TYPE(QLOCAL)
    AMQ8409: Display Queue details.
       QUEUE(TESTQ2)                               TYPE(QLOCAL)
    AMQ8409: Display Queue details.
    AMQ8409: Display Queue details.
    AMQ8409: Display Queue details.
    AMQ8409: Display Queue details.
    AMQ8409: Display Queue details.
    AMQ8409: Display Queue details.
    AMQ8409: Display Queue details.
    AMQ8409: Display Queue details.
    AMQ8409: Display Queue details.

  21. Change the queue manager's dead letter queue to SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE, and then close the command application:

    alter qmgr deadq(SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE)
         3 : alter qmgr deadq(SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE)
    AMQ8005: WebSphere MQ queue manager changed.
         4 : end 

  22. Add the WebSphere MQ sample programs directory to the PATH:

    $ PATH=$PATH:/opt/mqm/samp/bin

  23. Using the amqsput sample program, put one or more messages on TESTQ. Press Enter after each message. To terminate, press Ctrl-d to signal end-of-file on the standard input:

    $ amqsput TESTQ
    Sample AMQSPUT0 start
    target queue is TESTQ
    Hello TESTQ      <-- Press ctrl-d after entering the last message
    Sample AMQSPUT0 end


  24. Using the amqsgbr sample program, browse TESTQ to see the messages on the queue:

    $ amqsgbr TESTQ
    Sample AMQSGBR0 (browse) start
    Messages for TESTQ                                              
    1 <Hello TESTQ>
    no more messages
    Sample AMQSGBR0 (browse) end


  25. Using the amqsbcg sample program, browse TESTQ to see the messages and their message descriptors on the queue:

    $ amqsbcg TESTQ
    AMQSBCG0 - starts here
     MQGET of message number 1 
    ****Message descriptor****
      StrucId  : 'MD  '  Version : 2
      Report   : 0  MsgType : 8
      Expiry   : -1  Feedback : 0
      Encoding : 546  CodedCharSetId : 923
      Format : 'MQSTR   '
      Priority : 0  Persistence : 0
      MsgId : X'414D5120514D312020202020202020203A40943E01030020'
      CorrelId : X'000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
      BackoutCount : 0
      ReplyToQ       : '                                                '
      ReplyToQMgr    : 'QMNAME                                             '
      ** Identity Context
      UserIdentifier : 'mqm         '
      AccountingToken : 
      ApplIdentityData : '                                '
      ** Origin Context
      PutApplType    : '6'
      PutApplName    : 'amqsput                     '
      PutDate  : '20030409'    PutTime  : '16041353'
      ApplOriginData : '    '
      GroupId : X'000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
      MsgSeqNumber   : '1'
      Offset         : '0'
      MsgFlags       : '0'
      OriginalLength : '-1'
    ****   Message      ****
     length - 8 bytes
    00000000:  4865 6C6C 6F20 5131                     'Hello TESTQ        '
     No more messages 

  26. Use the amqsget sample program to clear the messages on TESTQ: The amqsget program will keep listening for new messages on the queue until you use Ctrl-c to terminate it.

    $ amqsget TESTQ
    Sample AMQSGET0 start
    message <Hello TESTQ>    <-- Press ctrl-c to stop listening for messages  

    You may also use the amqsgbr program to browse the messages on TESTQ to make sure there are none left.

  27. Using runmqsc, display the attributes of TESTQ to determine how many messages are on the queue (CURDEPTH).

    $ runmqsc 
    Starting MQSC for queue manager .
    dis q(TESTQ)
         1 : dis q(TESTQ)
    AMQ8409: Display Queue details.
       DESCR(WebSphere MQ Default Local Queue)
       PROCESS( )                              BOQNAME( )
       INITQ( )                                TRIGDATA( )
       CLUSTER( )                              CLUSNL( )
       QUEUE(TESTQ)                               CRDATE(2003-04-09)
       CRTIME(11.57.35)                        ALTDATE(2003-04-09)
       ALTTIME(11.57.35)                       GET(ENABLED)
       PUT(ENABLED)                            DEFPRTY(0)
       DEFPSIST(NO)                            MAXDEPTH(10)
       MAXMSGL(4194304)                        BOTHRESH(0)
       SHARE                                   DEFSOPT(SHARED)
       HARDENBO                                MSGDLVSQ(PRIORITY)
       RETINTVL(999999999)                     USAGE(NORMAL)
       NOTRIGGER                               TRIGTYPE(FIRST)
       TRIGDPTH(1)                             TRIGMPRI(0)
       QDEPTHHI(80)                            QDEPTHLO(20)
       QDPMAXEV(ENABLED)                       QDPHIEV(DISABLED)
       QDPLOEV(DISABLED)                       QSVCINT(999999999)
       QSVCIEV(NONE)                           DISTL(NO)
       DEFTYPE(PREDEFINED)                     TYPE(QLOCAL)
       SCOPE(QMGR)                             DEFBIND(OPEN)
       IPPROCS(0)                              OPPROCS(0)

    Because we defined TESTQ_ALIAS as an alias for TESTQ, you can see that our display of TESTQ shows that it has two messages.

    Type end to terminate the session.

  28. Use amqsget to get the messages on TESTQ (or TESTQ_ALIAS).

  29. Practice disabling the PUT function on TESTQ2:

    $ runmqsc 
    Starting MQSC for queue manager .
    alter ql(TESTQ2) put(disabled)
         1 : alter ql(TESTQ2) put(disabled)
    AMQ8008: WebSphere MQ queue changed.

  30. Attempt to put a message on TESTQ2 to verify that PUT has been disabled:

    $ amqsput TESTQ2
    Sample AMQSPUT0 start
    target queue is TESTQ2
    Hello TESTQ2
    MQPUT ended with reason code 2051
    Sample AMQSPUT0 end
    This fails with an error code, since PUTs have been disabled.


  31. Use runmqsc to delete TESTQ2:

    $ runmqsc
    Starting MQSC for queue manager .
    delete qlocal(TESTQ2)
         1 : delete qlocal(TESTQ2)
    AMQ8007: WebSphere MQ queue deleted.

  32. When you are ready to stop the queue manager, enter the endmqm QMNAME command for normal termination or endmqm -i QMNAME for immediate termination. You can enter the dltmqm QMNAME command to delete the queue manager.







Posted By: Michael Pareene
Last Update: Michael Pareene

Confidential: Acme Corporation.


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IBM is a trademark of the IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.