Configuration parameters for an LU 6.2 connection using SunLink Version 9.1

Table 28 presents a worksheet listing all the parameters needed to set up communication from Solaris to one of the other WebSphere MQ platforms, using SunLink Version 9.1. The worksheet shows examples of the parameters, which have been tested in a working environment, and leaves space for you to fill in your own values. An explanation of the parameter names follows the worksheet. Use the worksheet in this chapter in conjunction with the worksheet in the chapter for the platform to which you are connecting.


Configuration worksheet

Use this worksheet to record the values you use for your configuration. Where numbers appear in the Reference column they indicate that the value must match that in the appropriate worksheet elsewhere in this book. The examples that follow in this chapter refer back to the values in the ID column. The entries in the Parameter Name column are explained in Explanation of terms.

Table 28. Configuration worksheet for SunLink Version 9.1

ID Parameter Name Reference Example User Value
Parameters for local node
(1) PU 2.1 server name SOLSERV
(2) Network name NETID
(3) CP name SOLARPU
(4) Line name MQLINE
(5) Local MAC address 08002071CC8A
(6) Local terminal ID 05D 310D6
(7) Local LU name SOLARLU
(8) TP name MQSERIES
(9) Command Path home/interops/crs6a
Connection to an OS/2 system

The values in this section of the table must match those used in Table 15, as indicated.

(10) Unique session name OS2SESS
(11) Network name (2) NETID
(12) DLC name OS2QMGR
(13) Remote CP name OS2PU
(14) Local LSAP x'04', x'08', x'0C', ...
(15) Partner LU (6) OS2LU
(16) TP name (8) MQSERIES
(17) Mode name (17) #INTER
(18) CPI-C file name /home/mqstart/OS2CPIC
(19) Remote MAC address (10) 10005AFC5D83
Connection to a Windows system

The values in this section of the table must match those used in Table 17, as indicated.

(10) Unique session name WINNTSESS
(11) Network name (2) NETID
(12) DLC name NTQMGR
(13) Remote CP name WINNTCP
(14) Local LSAP x'04', x'08', x'0C', ...
(15) Partner LU (6) WINNTLU
(16) TP name (8) MQSERIES
(17) Mode name (17) #INTER
(18) CPI-C file name /home/mqstart/NTCPIC
(19) Remote MAC address (10) 10005AFC5D83
Connection to an AIX system

The values in this section of the table must match those used in Table 21, as indicated.

(10) Unique session name AIXSESS
(11) Network name (1) NETID
(12) DLC name AIXQMGR
(13) Remote CP name (2) AIXPU
(14) Local LSAP x'04', x'08', x'0C', ...
(15) Partner LU (4) AIXLU
(16) TP name (6) MQSERIES
(17) Mode name (14) #INTER
(18) CPI-C file name /home/mqstart/AIXCPIC
(19) Remote MAC address (15) 10005AFC5D83
Connection to an HP-UX system

The values in this section of the table must match those used in Table 24, as indicated.

(10) Unique session name HPUXSESS
(11) Network name (4) NETID
(12) DLC name HPUXQMGR
(13) Remote CP name HPUXPU
(14) Local LSAP x'04', x'08', x'0C', ...
(15) Partner LU (5) HPUXLU
(16) TP name (7) MQSERIES
(17) Mode name (17) #INTER
(18) CPI-C file name /home/mqstart/HPCPIC
(19) Remote MAC address (19) 10005AFC5D83
Connection to an AT&T GIS UNIX system

The values in this section of the table must match those used in the Table 26, as indicated.

(10) Unique session name GISSESS
(11) Network name (2) NETID
(12) DLC name GISQMGR
(13) Remote CP name GISPU
(14) Local LSAP x'04', x'08', x'0C', ...
(15) Partner LU (6) GISLU
(16) TP name (8) MQSERIES
(17) Mode name (17) #INTER
(18) CPI-C file name /home/mqstart/ATTCPIC
(19) Remote MAC address (10) 10005AFC5D83
Connection to a Linux for Intel system

The values in this section of the table must match those used in the Table 31, as indicated.

(10) Unique session name LXSESS
(11) Network name (4) NETID
(12) DLC name LXQMGR
(13) Remote CP name (2) LINUXPU
(14) Local LSAP x'04', x'08', x'0C', ...
(15) Partner LU (5) LINUXLU
(16) TP name (7) MQSERIES
(17) Mode name (6) #INTER
(18) CPI-C file name /home/mqstart/LXCPIC
(19) Remote MAC address (8) 08005AC6DF33
Connection to an OS/400 system

The values in this section of the table must match those used in Table 50, as indicated.

(10) Unique session name AS400SESS
(11) Network name (2) NETID
(12) DLC name ASQMGR
(13) Remote CP name AS400PU
(14) Local LSAP x'04', x'08', x'0C', ...
(15) Partner LU (6) AS400LU
(16) TP name (8) MQSERIES
(17) Mode name (17) #INTER
(18) CPI-C file name /home/mqstart/400CPIC
(19) Remote MAC address (10) 10005AFC5D83
Connection to a z/OS system without CICS

The values in this section of the table must match those used in Table 35, as indicated.

(10) Unique session name MVSSESS
(11) Network name (2) NETID
(12) DLC name MVSQMGR
(13) Remote CP name MVSPU
(14) Local LSAP x'04', x'08', x'0C', ...
(15) Partner LU (6) MVSLU
(16) TP name (8) MQSERIES
(17) Mode name (17) #INTER
(18) CPI-C file name /home/mqstart/MVSCPIC
(19) Remote MAC address (10) 10005AFC5D83
Connection to a VSE/ESA system

The values in this section of the table must match those used in Table 52, as indicated.

(10) Unique session name VSESESS
(11) Network name (2) NETID
(12) DLC name VSEQMGR
(13) Remote CP name VSEPU
(14) Local LSAP x'04', x'08', x'0C', ...
(15) Partner LU (6) VSELU
(16) TP name (8) MQSERIES
(17) Mode name (17) #INTER
(18) CPI-C file name /home/mqstart/VSECPIC
(19) Remote MAC address (10) 10005AFC5D83


Explanation of terms

(1) PU2.1 server name
Name of the PU2.1 server for the local control point.

(2) Network name
This is the unique ID of the network to which you are connected. It is an alphanumeric value and can be 1-8 characters long. The network name works with the Control Point name to uniquely identify a system. Your network administrator will tell you the value.

(3) CP name
This is the unique Control Point name for this workstation. Your network administrator will assign this to you.

(4) Line name
Name that identifies the connection to the LAN.

(5) Local MAC address
This is the network address of the token-ring card. The address to be specified is found in the ether value displayed in response to the ifconfig tr0 command issued at a root level of authority. (Tr0 is the name of the machine's token-ring interface.) If you do not have the necessary level of authority, your Solaris system administrator can tell you the value.

(6) Local terminal ID
This is the unique ID of this workstation. On other platforms this is often referred to as the Exchange ID or XID. Your network administrator will assign this ID for you.

(7) Local LU name
An LU manages the exchange of data between transactions. The local LU name is the name of the LU on your system. Your network administrator will assign this to you.

(8) TP name
WebSphere MQ applications trying to converse with this workstation will specify a symbolic name for the program to be run at the receiving end. This will have been defined on the channel definition at the sender. For simplicity, wherever possible use a transaction program name of MQSERIES, or in the case of a connection to VSE/ESA, where the length is limited to 4 bytes, use MQ01.

See Table 20 for more information.

(9) TP path
This is the path and name of the script file that invokes the WebSphere MQ program to run.

(10) Unique session name
This is the unique name of the Partner LU/Mode definition.

(12) DLC name
Name of the link to the remote system.

(13) Remote CP name
Name of the control point on the remote system.

(18) CPI-C file name
This is the full path and name of the file which holds CPI-C side information for a partner system. There must be a separate CPI-C file for each partner. For increased flexibility, include the full path and file name in the WebSphere MQ sender channel definition.


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