Goals of WSIF

SOAP bindings for Web services are part of the WSDL specification, therefore when most developers think of using a Web service, they immediately think of assembling a SOAP message and sending it across the network to the service endpoint, using a SOAP client API. For example: using Apache SOAP the client creates and populates a Call object that encapsulates the service endpoint, the identification of the SOAP operation to invoke, the parameters to send, and so on.

While this process works for SOAP, it is limited in its use as a general model for invoking Web services for the following reasons...

The goals of the Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) are therefore...


See Also

An overview of WSIF
WSIF - Web services are more than just SOAP services
WSIF - Tying client code to a particular protocol implementation is restricting
WSIF - Incorporating new bindings into client code is hard
WSIF - Multiple bindings can be used in flexible ways
WSIF - Enabling a freer Web services environment promotes intermediaries
Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF): Enabling Web services
Using WSIF to invoke Web services
WSIF system management and administration