Uninstall in silent mode 

Silently uninstall IBM Connections from multiple systems.

Before starting

Create a response file for your environment by running a simulated uninstallation. For more information, see the Create a response file topic.

Instead of generating a new response file, you can edit the default response file that is provided with the product. If you use the default response file, you need to add a encrypted password to the file:

  1. Open a command prompt and change to the <Lotus_Connections_setup>/Lotus_Connections_install/IM/<OS> directory, where <OS> is your operating system.

  2. Run the following command:

    • AIX or Linux™: IBMIM -silent -noSplash -encryptString <Password>

    • Windows™: IBMIMc.exe -silent -noSplash -encryptString <Password>

        where <Password> is your password.

  3. Add the encrypted password to the relevant line in the LC_uninstall.rsp response file. You usually need to enter passwords for both the WAS administrator and the database user. For example:

      <data key='user.activities.adminuser.password' value='<encrypted_password>'/>

      <data key='user.activities.dbUserPassword value='<encrypted_password>'/>

      where <encrypted_password> is the value generated by the command.

      You might also need to change the default WAS administrator name from wasadmin, if different from your administrator name.

  4. Repeat these steps for each unique password.

About this task

A silent uninstallation uses a response file to automate the removal of IBM Connections.

Note: To change the paths to the response file and log file, edit the generate_other_responsefile.bat|sh file.

To perform a silent uninstallation...


  1. Open a command prompt and change to the IM_root directory.

  2. Run the following command:

    • AIX or Linux: ./IBMIM --launcher.ini silent-install.ini -input lotus_connections_root/silentResponseFile/LC_uninstall_linux.rsp -log ./uninstall.log

    • Windows: .\IBMIM --launcher.ini silent-install.ini -input lotus_connections_root\silentResponseFile\LC_uninstall.rsp -log .\uninstall.log

What to do next

Check the uninstall.log file for errors and repeat this task if necessary.

Parent topic

Uninstall IBM Connections

Related tasks

Uninstall a deployment or removing applications
Uninstalling: delete databases with the database wizard
Uninstall databases in silent mode
Uninstalling: Manually drop databases
Create a response file





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