Get a list of inappropriate content flag options in Forums 

Get a category document that lists the flags you can assign to content that you deem to be inappropriate. By flagging inappropriate content, you bring it to the attention of the site administrator.


To retrieve a list of inappropriate content flag options for Forums...

  1. Retrieve the Forums service document.

  2. From the service document, find the href of the My Forums feed and send a GET request to it.

  3. From the forum of interest in the My Forums feed, find the value of the href attribute of the <link> elements that have a rel attribute set to either "self" or "replies."

  4. From the returned Atom document, find the <link> element that has a rel="" attribute value, and then send a GET request to the web address specified in the associated href attribute.

Table 1. Atom API request details

Resource Description
Value of the href attribute of the <link> element that has a rel="" attribute value A category document containing the available flags that you can associate with entries in forums to bring them to the attention of the administrator.


An Atom category document containing the available flags that you can use to bring entries to the attention of the site administrator.

HTTP request:

> GET /forums/atom/issuecategories/atom HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic XXXXX
> Host:
> Accept: */*

HTTP response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

The following content is returned by the server:

<atom:category term="002" label="Human Resources issue"/>
<atom:category term="001" label="Legal issue"/>

Parent topic

Flag Forums content

Related reference
Flag a forum entry or reply as inappropriate





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