Edit general blog settings 

The settings for a blog are a combination of preferences for how you would like users to interact with the blog, and basic settings such as the blog name and description. You can edit all of the settings for a blog that you own.

Before starting

You must be a blog owner to edit blog settings.


  1. From the My Blogs page, click the Settings link for your blog.

  2. Edit settings for the blog.
    Option Description
    General settings Set the basic properties, such as the name, description and how many entries to display (the default value is 15). By default, a blog is active and available to the blog community. The option Allow authors and drafters to edit each other's entries in this blog allows you to have a collaborative blog, where authors and draft members can edit each other's entries and see each other's entries in the entry management interface as well.
    Internationalization settings Set time zones.
    Comments Select if you want users to comment on a blog. If you choose to moderate comments, review and approve comments before they display in a blog.
    Default comment settings Set preferences to allow comments for new entries, or to set a time limit so that after a specified number of days the comment field is no longer displayed for an entry. You can also apply these settings to existing entries in the log. Comments for entries are displayed with the entry in reverse chronological order.
    Blog Client API Use this setting if you want to use a third-party editor to create blog entries. For more information, see the topic Use third-party blog editors to create entries for your blog.

  3. When your changes are complete, click Update Blog Settings to publish your changes.

Parent topic

Manage your blog





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