Change server names 

Customize the names of the server instances where IBM Connections is deployed.

Before starting

About this task

When you install IBM Connections, the installation wizard creates all the required server instances and automatically assigns pre-defined names to these servers. After installation, you can change the server names to suit your custom naming conventions. Cluster names are not automatically named by the wizard so you might have already customized these names during installation.

To configure the path variables to the Search application...


  1. Log in to the WAS Integrated Solutions Console on the dmgr.

  2. Stop all the IBM Connections clusters:

    1. Go to Servers -> Clusters -> WebSphere Application server clusters.

    2. Select the IBM Connections clusters and click Stop.

  3. Stop the dmgr.

  4. Install interim fix LO57305.

  5. Download the ConfigScripts.tar|zip file and extract it to the ConfigScripts directory in the app_server_root/bin directory.

  6. Open a command prompt, change to the app_server_root/bin directory, and enter the following command:

      ws_ant [.sh] changeServerName -profileName <profileName> -buildfile configScripts.xml [-logfile <logfile>] -DoldServerName=<oldServerName> -DnewServerName=<newServerName> -DclusterName=<clusterName> -DnodeName=<nodeName>


      • <profileName> is the name of the WAS profile where the dmgr is installed. For example: Dmgr01.

      • <logfile> is the name of the log file that records the output of this command.

      • <oldServerName> is the original name of the server whose name you want to change.

      • <newServerName> is the new name of the server.

      • <clusterName> is the cluster that contains the server member whose name you want to change.

      • <nodeName> is the node that corresponds to the server whose name you want to change.


      ws_ant changeServerName -profileName dmgrProfile -buildfile configScripts.xml -logfile changeServer.log -DoldServerName=LCInfraCluster_server1 -DnewServerName=LCInfraCluster_ServerMember01 -DclusterName=LCInfraCluster -DnodeName=win2003r2-std-32bitNode01 

  7. In the WAS admin console, restart the dmgr.

  8. Perform a full synchronization of all nodes.

    1. Go to System administration -> Nodes.

    2. Select the nodes and click Full Resynchronize.

  9. Start all the IBM Connections clusters:

    1. Go to Servers -> Clusters -> WebSphere Application server clusters.

    2. Select the IBM Connections clusters and click Start.





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