Activity content 

Lists the elements in an activity as it is defined by Atom.

All elements are in the namespace, except those that are prefixed as follows:



Table 1. Activity elements

Element How treated on input Description
<category scheme="" term="activity" label="Activity" /> Required Identifies an activity.
<content type="html"> Required The formatted content of an activity, as defined in the Atom specification; may be empty.
<title type="text"> Required Entry title; a descriptive title of the activity specified in text format. The type attribute is optional; type="text" is the default and only format allowed.
<category scheme="" term="community_activity" label="Community Activity"/> Required if you are defining a community activity Identifies the activity as a community activity. A community activity is similar to a standard activity except that its membership list is defined by the community to which it belongs. You cannot use the API to add members to a community activity.
<category scheme="" term="3000" label="High" /> Ignored Identifies the priority of the activity. Options are High, Medium, or Normal. Prioritization settings are not global, but are unique to each user; no other members can see these collections.
<category term="{tag}"/> Optional Specifies a tag. A tag is a term used to categorize the activity. Repeat this element for each tag associated with the activity.
<category scheme="" term="completed"/> Optional Flag that identifies a completed activity. To complete an activity, add this flag. If it is not present, the activity is not completed.
<category scheme="" term="template"/> Optional Flag that is only present on an activity that is a template for creating other activities. Add this flag to make an activity appear as a template. The API does not provide any applications that use activity templates.
<snx:duedate> Optional Specifies the date on which the activity is due to be completed.
<app:collection href="..."> Ignored Contains an <app:categories href=""> element that links to the collection of activity nodes that comprise an activity, such as entries, to-do items, replies or sections.

Ignored The author of the activity. Accepts the <name> element as specified in the Atom specification. Also accepts the <snx:ldapid> and <snx:userid> elements. If IBM Connections is configured to prevent email addresses from being displayed, then the <email> element is not supported. Otherwise, it can be used.

Ignored The person who contributed the activity. Accepts the <name> element as specified in the Atom specification. Also accepts the <snx:ldapid> and <snx:userid> elements. If IBM Connections is configured to prevent email addresses from being displayed, then the <email> element is not supported. Otherwise, it can be used. The <snx:userid> element identifies whether the person is an active or inactive user.
<category scheme="" term="deleted"/> Ignored Flag that is only present on an activity that is deleted, meaning it is in the Trash view and has not been removed from the system.
<category scheme="" term="recent" label="Recent Updates"/> Ignored Specifies the starting page of a template. The term attribute identifies the default view to use. Options are:

  • recent

  • outline. This is the default value.

  • todo

The label attribute is optional.

<id> Ignored Unique identifier of an activity.
<link rel="" type="application/atom+xml" href=""/> Ignored Specifies a URI from which you can retrieve the access control list of an activity. Use this URI to view or update the list of activity members and change their levels of access to the activity.
<link rel="" type="application/atom+xml" href="xxxxx"/> Ignored Specifies a URI from which you can retrieve the history of an activity. Use this URI to find out what changes were made and when.
<link rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml" href="xxxxx"/> Ignored Use this URL to obtain the latest full content (not just summary) of this activity and to update or delete it.
<link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="xxxxx"/> Ignored As defined in the Atom specification.
<link rel="alternate" type="application/xhtml+xml" href="xxxx"/> Ignored As defined in the Atom specification.
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="xxxx"/> Ignored Specifies the URI from which you can retrieve a HTML representation of an activity entry.
<published> Ignored The date this entry was published, as defined in the Atom specification.
<snx:icon> Ignored Link to an icon that depicts the status of an activity.
<summary> Ignored Text that conveys a short summary, abstract, or excerpt of this entry, as defined in the Atom specification.
<updated> Ignored The date this entry was updated, as defined in the Atom specification.


<entry> <id></id> <title type="text">Michelle's test activity for 2.0 doc</title> <updated>2008-04-16T15:06:16Z</updated> <published>2008-01-25T19:23:48Z</published> <author> <name>Michelle Jenkins</name> <email></email> <snx:userid>937965j0-4f0c-1028-5a06-db07163b51b2</snx:userid> <snx:ldapid>96CG046E0E4B47BEF6967B3131AD5900026D</snx:ldapid> </author> <contributor> <name>Michelle Jenkins</name> <email></email> <snx:userid>937965j0-4f0c-1028-5a06-db07163b51b2</snx:userid> <snx:ldapid>96CG046E0E4B47BEF6967B3131AD5900026D</snx:ldapid> </contributor> <category scheme="" term="activity" label="Activity" /> <category scheme="" term="3000" label="High" /> <snx:duedate>2008-01-31T05:00:00Z</snx:duedate> <category term="two-word" /> <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml" href=" acl?activityUuid=3F8G0A0A0A0AAAF115C2B208A75140000002" /> <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml" href=" activity/history?activityUuid=3F8G0A0A0A0AAAF115C2B208A75140000002" /> <app:collection href=" activity?activityUuid=3F8G0A0A0A0AAAF115C2B208A75140000002"> <title type="text">Michelle's 2.0 activity</title> <app:categories href=" categories?activityUuid=3F8G0A0A0A0AAAF115C2B208A75140000002" /> </app:collection> <snx:activity>3F8G0A0A0A0AAAF115C2B208A75140000002</snx:activity> <link rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml" href=" activitynode?activityNodeUuid=3F8G0A0A0A0AAAF115C2B208A75140000002" /> <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href=" activity?activityUuid=3F8G0A0A0A0AAAF115C2B208A75140000002" /> <link rel="alternate" type="application/xhtml+xml" href=" recent?activityUuid=3F8G0A0A0A0AAAF115C2B208A75140000002" /> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=" recent?activityUuid=3F8G0A0A0A0AAAF115C2B208A75140000002" /> <snx:icon> </snx:icon> <content type="text"><br _moz_editor_bogus_node="TRUE" /></content> </entry>

Parent topic

Activities Atom node data types

Related reference
Create activities
Create community activities
Retrieve activities
Update activities
Delete activities programmatically
Restore activities


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