

Downloading fixes



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Download fix packs and interim fixes from the IBM support Web site.

Connections 2.5 Fix pack 1
FP1 technote details

List all the fixes that you have already installed by running the following command from a command prompt:

updateLC -installDir <LC_ROOT> -fix -fixes [-feature feature_name] -feature

..where feature_name is one of the following Lotus Connections features:

Use a comma or space to delimit multiple features. If you do not provide this variable, all installed fixes will be listed.

To download fixes, complete the following steps.

  1. Go to the Fix Central Web site.

  2. Select Lotus from the product group menu, Lotus Connections from the Product menu, your currently Installed version, your Platform, and then click Continue.

  3. Use one of the available search methods to identify the fix that you wish to install.

  4. Follow the online instructions to download the fix to a temporary

  5. Extract the contents of the fix file, and then copy the extracted JAR file to the following directory:

    • AIX or LinuxLC_ROOT/update/fixes

    • Microsoft Windows: LC_ROOT\update\fixes

    If a fixes subdirectory does not already exist in the update directory, create it. You need to specify this when you install fixes.

Updating Lotus Connections 2.5

Updating a stand-alone deployment

Install fixes


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