Message-Driven Beans


Message-driven beans allow J2EE apps to process messages asynchronously by acting as a JMS message listener.

A message-driven bean's instances retain no data or conversational state for a specific client.

All instances of a message-driven bean are equivalent, allowing the EJB container to assign a message to any message-driven bean instance. The container can pool these instances to allow streams of messages to be processed concurrently. A single message-driven bean can process messages from multiple clients.

When a message arrives, the container calls the message-driven bean's onMessage method to process the message. The onMessage method normally casts the message to one of the five JMS message types and handles it in accordance with the app's business logic. The onMessage method may call helper methods, or it may invoke a session or entity bean to process the information in the message or to store it in a database.

A message may be delivered to a message-driven bean within a transaction context, so that all operations within the onMessage method are part of a single transaction. If message processing is rolled back, the message will be redelivered.