Reinstall Installation Manager in silent mode

Installation Manager might become unresponsive because an update of Installation Manager failed, installation directory files were accidentally removed, or the program files became corrupted.

To fix these issues, we can reinstall Installation Manager without uninstalling other packages installed. The reinstalled version continues to use the current Agent Data Location directory, which is the memory of the Installation Manager, and can detect the previously installed packages. To reinstall Installation Manager, we can use the -reinstallIM option or manually reinstall Installation Manager.

To use the installer to manually reinstall Installation Manager, see Reinstall Installation Manager in wizard mode.


To reinstall Installation Manager using the -reinstallIM option:

  1. We must use the installation files from the same version or a later version of the installed version of Installation Manager. To download the latest version, go to the Installation Manager download links technical document and click the applicable download document link. The download document contains details about downloading the installation files.

    Install an earlier version can cause issues that cannot be recovered from.

  2. Extract the installation files to a temporary location.

  3. Run the command to reinstall Installation Manager from the directory that contains the extracted files.

    When we use the -reinstallIM option with the input command, the response file must specify a version of Installation Manager for installation. For information about using a response file to install Installation Manager, see Modify a response file to install a package and Installation Manager.

    Operating system Administrator Nonadministrator Group input command
    Windows installc.exe -reinstallIM -acceptLicense userinstc.exe -reinstallIM -acceptLicense Not available. imcl.exe input response_file -reinstallIM -repositories installation_files_dir -acceptLicense
    Linux, UNIX, IBM i, ZOS and the Mac OS X ./installc -reinstallIM -acceptLicense ./userinstc -reinstallIM -acceptLicense ./groupinstc -dataLocation /user_home/var/ibm/InstallationManager_Group -reinstallIM -acceptLicense

    Group mode is not supported on IBM i.

    ./imcl input response_file -reinstallIM -repositories installation_files_dir -acceptLicense

  4. When the installation is complete, start Installation Manager.
