Administrator, nonadministrator, and group mode

We can use Installation Manager in administrator mode, nonadministrator mode, or group mode. The mode determines the directories and commands that we use for both Installation Manager and packages.

Once we use a mode to install the product, the installation cannot be undone. For example, if we use the root installation, migrating the installation repository information from the root installation to a non-root installation is not supported. Also, if you change the content, files, or directories in the agent data location directory or subdirectories, you will corrupt our product installation, forcing you to uninstall and reinstall our products.

After we use one user's account to install the product in nonadministrator mode, that installation cannot be transferred to another user's account.

Related information

  1. Agent data location
  2. Group mode roadmaps and silent installations
  3. Install as an administrator, nonadministrator, or group